Millions of Households at Risk June 12 -- DTV Converter Boxes
on: June 8, 2009, 5:18 am
Author: Nicholas Didow/ DTV
Across America
Industry: Telecommunications
Pines, NC – The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
has repeatedly issued notices warning that millions of households
are still unprepared for the June 12, 2009, national deadline
for conversion of free over-the-air television broadcasting from
analog format to digital format called “DTV”. While
most households across the USA receive television programming
by cable or satellite, an estimated 20 to 30 million households
today still depend on over-the-air broadcasting to receive their
television programming. The FCC has advised that for these households
to continue to receive free over-the-air DTV
television programming after June 12 they must purchase and
install a digital-to-analog set-top converter box, yet DTV Across
America predicts that for many households a DTV converter box
will not be enough to avoid reception loss. Many households will
also need to upgrade their television antenna, or subscribe to
satellite or cable service, to accomplish the DTV transition.
Unless these households can successfully navigate the DTV transition,
their primary source of entertainment and information for public
safety, public health, homeland security and civic engagement
will literally go dark after June 12.
Across America (
is ready to receive the millions of possible inquiries about the
DTV transition, especially on and after June 12. DTV Across America
is a public/private partnership organized to serve as an “honest
broker” for citizens nationwide who need information and
assistance about options to ensure television signal reception
following the June 12 DTV transition. Our purpose is to provide
all citizens with both “high touch” and “high
tech” solutions, comprehensive information about the DTV
transition process and turnkey services and discounted installation
and equipment prices for broadcast reception options.
that currently receive free over-the-air television broadcasting
should to go now to the DTV Across America website
to determine their risk of reception loss after June 12 and to
explore antenna, cable and satellite solutions, or call the DTV
Across America toll-free consumer information number 1-800-359-1299
for various reception options.
Contact Details: Nicholas Didow, (919) 962-1432, DTV Across America,,
340 Commerce Avenue, Suite 20, Southern Pines, NC 28387